Summary of “The Gift of the Magi”

  • “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry is a heartwarming short story about a young couple, Jim and Della Young, who are deeply in love but struggling to make ends meet. The story occurs during the Christmas season. It focuses on the couple’s attempts to buy each other meaningful gifts for the holiday. Despite their limited financial resources, the two young people are determined to show their love for each other and are willing to make sacrifices. The story is filled with humor, irony, and tender moments that showcase the power of love and sacrifice.

The story begins by describing the couple’s tiny apartment and their limited means. Despite these challenges, they are still deeply in love and are determined to find a way to show it. Della, in particular, is focused on finding the perfect gift for Jim, but she has limited funds and can only afford to purchase one item. She decides to sell her most prized possession, her long, beautiful hair, to a wig maker, to buy Jim a gold watch chain. Meanwhile, Jim is determined to purchase a gift for Della and sells his gold watch, which had been passed down to him from his father, to buy her a set of combs for her hair.

The irony of the situation is that the gifts they buy for each other are worthless without the things they sell. Della’s combs cannot be used without her hair, and Jim’s watch chain cannot be attached to his watch. However, this does not diminish the value of the gifts, as they symbolize the couple’s love and sacrifice. They have given up something of great personal value to show their love for each other, and in doing so, they have demonstrated the depth of their feelings.

The character of Della and Jim are also noteworthy, as they are both endearing and admirable. Della is depicted as a warm, loving, and thoughtful woman willing to sacrifice for the man she loves. On the other hand, Jim is depicted as a hardworking, dependable, and devoted husband. He is deeply in love with Della and is willing to do whatever it takes to make her happy. Together, they embody the true spirit of Christmas and show what it truly means to give of oneself for the sake of another.

Thematic Analysis of “The Gift of the Magi”

“The Gift of the Magi” is a short story that explores the themes of love, sacrifice, and generosity. The story tells of a young couple, Jim and Della Young, who are deeply in love but very poor. They are willing to do anything to give each other the perfect Christmas gift. Ultimately, they sacrifice their most valuable possessions to buy gifts for each other, showing their deep love and generosity.

Love is one of the main themes of the story. The love between Jim and Della is unconditional and selfless. They are willing to give up their most valuable possessions to show their love for each other. This theme of love is demonstrated through their actions and how they treat each other. Despite their poverty, they are content with each other, and their passion makes them rich.

Another notable theme in the story is sacrifice. Both Jim and Della are willing to sacrifice their most valuable possessions to show love and appreciation for each other. Jim offers his gold watch, a gift from his father, to buy Della’s gift, and Della sacrifices her long, beautiful hair, which she has always treasured, to buy Jim’s gift. The sacrifices they make are not just physical possessions but also emotional ones. They are giving up what is most precious to them for their love for each other.

The theme of generosity is also evident in “The Gift of the Magi.” Despite their poverty, Jim and Della are willing to give up their most valuable possessions to make each other happy. Their generosity is not just limited to the gifts they give each other but is also seen in how they treat each other. They are always willing to put each other’s needs before their own. This theme of generosity is what makes the story so touching and inspiring.

Moral of the Story

The moral of the story “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry is that true love is selfless and sacrificial. The two main characters, Jim and Della, both sold their most prized possessions to buy Christmas gifts for each other. Although their gifts were not what the other expected, the sacrifice showed their love for each other. This story reminds us that the actual value of a gift lies not in its monetary worth but in love and thought that goes into it. It also teaches us that love is not just about receiving but also giving and sacrificing. The story’s moral is that true love knows no bounds and is willing to make sacrifices for the beloved’s happiness.

In conclusion, “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry is a timeless story that explores love, sacrifice, and generosity themes. The story demonstrates how love can overcome poverty and how selflessness and generosity can bring joy to others. The themes in the story are still relevant today, and the story continues to be a beloved classic that inspires people to show love and kindness to those around them.


To conclude, “The Gift of the Magi” is a beautiful and touching story that showcases the power of love and sacrifice. O. Henry’s writing style is engaging and filled with humor, and the characters of Della and Jim are endearing and admirable. The story serves as a reminder of the importance of love and giving, especially during the holiday season. It is a classic piece of literature that has captured the hearts of generations of readers, and its message of love and sacrifice is timeless.

Suggested Readings

Analysis of The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

Analysis of “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” by Gabriel García Márquez