Why Would We Consider Macbeth a Tragic Hero?

Introduction, Macbeth a Tragic Hero The main character of William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, Macbeth, has been the focus of extensive literary analysis and debate. Macbeth, who is frequently regarded as one of Shakespeare’s tragic heroes, has many traits that help to explain tragic characters in literature. Macbeth is a fascinating character to study since he […]

How does Shakespeare use foreshadowing in Macbeth?

Foreshadowing in Macbeth Macbeth by William Shakespeare is a tragedy that displays several literary techniques, including foreshadowing, which serves to heighten the dramatic tension and anticipation throughout the play. Through the use of foreshadowing, Shakespeare provides subtle hints and clues about future events.  These hints allow the audience to anticipate the tragic outcome that awaits […]

“The Secret of the Machines” by Rudyard Kipling Analysis

Summary of the Poem, “The Secret of the Machines” “The Secret of the Machines” is penned down by a great British writer and poet, Rudyard Kipling in 1911. It was the time when the great Industrial Revolution took place. This beautiful poem highlights the diverse functionalities of artificial machinery and the comfort their usage has […]

“Jerusalem” Hymn by William Blake

Introduction of “Jerusalem” “Jerusalem” by William Blake, one of the prestigious American writers and holy men is a contemplative literary work. First appearing in 1804, the poem presents a realistic picture of the industrial revolution. It also highlights how adaptable humans are, emphasizing significant shifts that have taken place on Earth since the time of […]