An epic poem is a long narrative poem. It usually revolves around serious subject containing heroic deeds and events significant to a culture or nation. Epics poems are not only read but also performed mainly across the globe. This article intends to address the elements that are best known for helping performers memorize an epic poem.

A method for memorizing poems is by having the poem in front of you and looking at it while you recite it. The same thing is true for any performance, especially for reciting a poem. Even, pianists and others who play instruments imply the same method. In addition, it is beneficial to have a visual aid to help you remember the poem.  These elements serve as mnemonic devices, making it easier for people to remember the terms of the poems. 

An Ancient Method for Memorizing the Epic Poem

The ancient Greeks had a unique way of remembering epic poems. They would use visual imagery to help them memorize vast amounts of text. One of the most popular mnemonic devices was mental imagery to organize their thoughts and help them remember one of the essential parts of their culture. The Greek poet Simonides of Ceos was an expert at this technique.

Tips for Using Memory Devices to Help You Memorize

Memory devices are helpful for anyone who has to memorize something, but they can be especially useful for a performer memorizing an epic poem. A memory device is a mnemonic that helps you recall a story or poem by connecting a cue to a mental image. For example, in the story of the Odyssey, the Greek goddess Calypso holds Odysseus prisoner on her island for seven years.

Now, you might not remember that she was a goddess, but if you think of Calypso as a cup of sugar, you’ll be able to recall what happens to Odysseus. A mnemonic is simply a word or phrase that helps you recall something. Memory devices are also called memory triggers or pegs. Using memory devices to memorize is called “linking.” The most common type of memory device is an acrostic. An acrostic involves creating a story or poem by using the first letter of each line to form the name of a person or thing. You can also create a memory device by using the first letter of each line to spell a word.

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