Nowadays, I prefer buying books instead of other luxuries. This quest for knowledge and wisdom introduced me to various writers and poets whose philosophies and fascinating ideas have helped people find the purpose of their lives. One such writer is Paulo Coelho, whose simple writing style and the technique of subtly sharing his life experiences with others is offbeat.

I read his bestseller, The Alchemist, soon after its first release and was eager to read his other literary marvels. Undoubtedly, all of his books are praiseworthy; but one book that spiritually uplifted me and helped me focus on finding what I needed the most in my life is, Manuscript found in Accra. Published in 2012, the book contains contemplative ideas about life and how to spend it.

The beginning of the book introduces the audience to the discovery of this iconic manuscript. In 1974, an English Archaeologist discovered this in Accra, the capital of Ghana. Written in Hebrew, Latin, and Arabic, the documents traced the signs of an important meeting held in 1099 between the terrified people of Jerusalem and the Copt. It is the same years in which inhabitants of Jerusalem, who had different religions and background, were expecting an attack by the armies of Crusades.

In this book, Paulo Coelho highlights the agony of the people on the brink of annihilation. The terrified citizens intend to seek advice and reassurance from the Copt just before they collapse. Utilizing his spiritual powers, the Copt speaks of the golden principles that shape everyday life. Also, his unwavering stance clarifies to the people why they will survive and endure these hardships.

Manuscript Found in Accra by Paulo Coelho

A brilliant composition encompasses universal thematic strand like life, spirituality, love, sacrifice, defeat and losing.

The novel brilliantly explores a sequence of parables explaining the true meaning and value of defeat and failure, love and friendship, sex and beauty, faith and loyalty, success and community. Moreover, it uncovers the sources of human anxieties, fears, and tensions.

The best thing about Paulo’s work is that his words are not sugar-coated, fantasized, or romanticized. Instead, his straightforward messages and harmless words touch the heart and penetrate the depth of the reader’s mind. It helps them to relate their life to positive experiences quoted in the book. Thus, anyone can find true wisdom and enlightenment in his writings to come out from a state of emptiness.

If you feel stuck between real and unreal, if you need motivation in life, grab your copy and heal yourself by yourself.

Suggested Readings

Review of the Book Veronika Decides to Die  by Paulo Coelho

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