Edgar Allan Poe Quotes

Edgar Allan Poe A great literary critic, writer, and poet, Edgar Allan Poe is best known for his unparalleled poetic pieces, short stories, and tales of mystery. He was born on the 19th of January in 1809 to David and...
Definition of Imagery Imagery refers to figurative language; it is a powerful literary tool because it enables the writer to create strong mental images of their ideas in the reader’s mind. By using this powerful figure of speech, poets and...
Introduction Edgar Allan Poe, a promising American poet and writer is famous for his dark and twisted stories, and The Black Cat is undoubtedly no exception. Published in 1845, this short story has remained a classic of gothic literature, with...
Summary of “The Most Dangerous Game” “The Most Dangerous Game” is a short story by Richard Connell. First published in 1924, the story is about a big game hunter named Sanger Rainsford who becomes hunted after being shipwrecked on an...
Who is William Wordsworth? William Wordsworth, born in 1770 and passing away in 1850, was recognized as an esteemed poet of the English Romantic era. He played a pivotal role in developing and establishing this literary movement throughout the latter...

 Rhythm in Poetry

Rhythm in poetry refers to the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of verse. This pattern creates a musical, rhythmic quality in the poem and can help to add emphasis and structure to the words. In...
An Overview of Macbeth by William Shakespeare Macbeth, a forever green tale of fate and tragedy by William Shakespeare narrates the story of Macbeth, a gallant Scottish general. He meets three witches after a battle, and they foretell that he...
Introduction “Stopping by Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost is a symbolic poem. It does not take the readers to a rural setting but also makes them experience the depicted scenes. It begins when the speaker is...
The article, Facts about Naomi Shihab Nye will unfold some interesting and inspiring facts about Naomi Shihab Nye. She is one of the greatest contemporary writers and poets. Naomi Shihab Nye was born in Washington, D.C., on April 23,...
Introduction, Macbeth a Tragic Hero The main character of William Shakespeare's play Macbeth, Macbeth, has been the focus of extensive literary analysis and debate. Macbeth, who is frequently regarded as one of Shakespeare's tragic heroes, has many traits that help...
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