Carpet weavers Morocco” by Carol Rumens, an iconic British writer and poet, is a brilliant poem. This descriptive, poetic piece talks about the working class of the third-world nation. It shows how even the children of such countries spend their time weaving carpets. It even begins with the description of children involved in productive work. They are skilfully weaving rugs at the loom.

The speaker observes their devotion that they are engrossed in their work. Moreover, the age difference among them and their varied heights create a musical chime. After admiring their dedication at work, she compares them with other children. She wonders that the children of Morocco are hardworking, devoted, and selfless. On the other hand, children out in the world engage themselves in various spots.

In western countries, children prefer engaging themselves with advanced technologies. At the same time, these children play an active role in productive work. Since they are weaving carpets for mosques, their efforts will contribute to the spread of Islam. In other words, they will play an active role in the spread of Islam. When these carpets are placed in the mosques, their praise-worthy task will win glory for them. Although they are up to something precious, yet their whole lives will revolve around hard work. They won’t be able to enjoy a better life.

Major Themes in Carpet weavers, Morocco

The poem’s major themes are working-class of a third-world country, exploitation of children, and cultural norms. Throughout the poem, the speaker talks about the children involved in the challenging job of weaving carpets. She brilliantly paints a vivid picture of their skillful work and how they devote their lives to such cultural practices. Yet, although she sings praise for their brilliant work, she feels sorry for them inside.

Undoubtedly, their efforts contribute to the world. But in reality, they will miss the real essence of life. They have made their work the center of their lives. As a result, they are unaware of the other better living opportunities. To make her ideas more precise, the speaker draws a stark comparison. She compares them with the children living in the advanced world. She concludes that these tiny hard workers are lagging back in their lives. They have even not tasted the fruits of the advanced world that are full of chances and opportunities.

“Carpet weavers, Morocco” by Carol Rumens

Analysis of Literary Devices Used in Carpet weavers, Morocco

Literary devices are used to enhance the intended meanings of the poem. Carol has used many literary devices in the poem to unfold her ideas and emotions. The analysis of the devices is as follows.

  1. Assonance: Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in a quick succession. Carol has used this device at many places in the poem such as; “The children are”, and “spread by the servants.” The sound of /e/ and /a/ are repeated in the successively in the given examples.
  2. Consonance: It refers to the repetition of consonant sounds in the same line such as; /r/ and /t/ are repeated in “are hard at work” and “of all-that-will-be fly.”
  3. Enjambment: It is a thought in verse that does not end at a line break; rather, it continues to the next line. For example;
  4. Irony: Irony is a literary device in which sentences are used in a way that their actual meanings and intended meanings vary from each other.  The writer has used irony at the start of the poem such as “The children are at the loom of another world.”
  5. Imagery: Imagery is used to make readers imagine things using their five senses. Carol has used imagery throughout the poem such as “braids are oiled” and “their dresses bright.”
  6. Simile: Simile is a literary device in which comparison are made by using words as and like. Carol has compared the children’s flickering knots with television in the second stanza.

Analysis of Poetic Devices Used in Carpet weavers, Morocco

  1. Free Verse: Free verse is a type of poetry in which no rhyme or meter is used. Carpet weavers is a free verse poem.
  2. Stanza: A stanza in poetry consists of some lines. Three are eight three lines stanzas in the poem.

Let’s Sum Up

Thus, Carpet weavers, Morocco by Carol Rumens is a thought-provoking poem. It talks about the struggling lives of the children of Morocco that how they spend their lives in a constant hard work.

I hope you like the article. If you want to read more poems, please visit the following links.

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