How does the theme of “The Tide Rises the Tide Falls” develop as the poem moves forward?

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote this poem, “The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls,” in the 19th century, giving it an artistic expression. Henry wrote this poem about the recurring cycle of life. But how does the theme of “the tide rises, the tide falls” develop as the poem moves forward. This is the question that demands […]

What is Langston Hughes saying in his poem “I Too?”

Introduction The Langston Hughes poem “I, too,” was originally published in 1940 and addresses the topic of racism in America. The poem’s first stanza begins with the phrase I, too, sing America and then continues on to describe life as an African American living in America throughout history. The poem contains many metaphors that highlight […]

What is Postmodernism in Literature?

Introduction The term postmodernism can be difficult to define. That’s because it emerged from modernism, and the two are often used interchangeably in literature discussions, criticism, and analysis. Postmodernism encompasses the use of techniques that were pioneered by modernist authors, such as stream-of-consciousness writing and symbolism. Many literary critics say that we’re still living in […]

Russian Formalism as a Literary Theory

Introduction Russian Formalism is an influential literary theory that pays particular attention to the form and structure of works, rather than the author’s background or other external factors. As a student of literature, it can be helpful to understand what the Formalists were talking about and how their literary criticism can help you appreciate literature […]