Metaphor Quotes

Definition of Metaphor A metaphor is a powerful figure of speech that implies a comparison between two contrasting things. As a literary element, it draws a direct comparison without using...

“Sympathy” by Paul Lawrence Dunbar Analysis

“Sympathy” by Paul Lawrence Dunbar is a symbolic poem that presents a stark comparison between cruel slavery versus joyous freedom. Dunbar published this thought-provoking piece in 1899. He highlighted...

How Does Paraphrasing Help Readers Understand Poetry?

Definition of Paraphrasing Paraphrasing is a great tool for writing and revision in general, especially when you’re dealing with poetry. It allows you to look at poetry in a different...

“We Grow Accustomed to the Dark” by Emily Dickinson

Introduction “We Grow Accustomed to the Dark” by Emily Dickenson, a remarkable American poet, is an engaging poem. It speaks about the way we as humans grow up in this...

“A Poison Tree” by William Blake

“A Poison Tree” by William Blake – Introduction “A Poison Tree” by William Blake, a famous American poet, and writer, is a descriptive poem. This illustrative poetic piece was first...

“When I Think About Myself” by Maya Angelou

Summary "When I Think About Myself" by Maya Angelou, a celebrated American poet, is a remarkable poem that alludes to the struggle of her life. Maya begins the poem with...